Are you ready to GO SuperNova?

It's time to come into your full potential!

Throughout time, SuperNova Souls have come together to do amazing things, and work on innovative and exciting projects. The 'seeds' of these projects have been planted in crucial times throughout history, by these special souls. These 'seeds' are ready to sprout!
Meet Adrienne Elise, founder of SuperNova Enterprises.
Have you come to a place of rapid spiritual awakening? Congratulations for saying Yes to Spiritual Ascension. SuperNova Enterprises is here to support the Awakening Soul. At some point, our internal potential can no longer be suppressed or contained! It's time to Go SuperNova! and Be the Star You Are! Adrienne Elise, and SuperNova Enterprises, offers support for Spiritual Evolution and business support for Bright Stars
Very beautiful journey. I love what you so fluently and lovingly create. That was one part of the journey that especially made my heart sing and say yes - when you brought us together with our team. Somehow that felt exactly right to me.
— Deborah Needham

SuperNova Souls

Are you a SuperNova Soul?

Adrienne's work speaks to very specific Soul Groups.

If you are HERE, that's YOU!

A SuperNova is a very, very bright exploding star. SuperNovas have a sense that they came to this Earth for a very specific reason. SuperNovas can feel alone because very few people, if any, in their life can understand or validate this deep soul purpose. SuperNova Souls feel an intense commitment to this Earth Evolution and hold a bigger vision of what is to come.

SuperNova Souls have a unique set of gifts and skills, and corresponding setbacks, as their soul purpose is SO BIG. SuperNova Souls are incredibly sensitive and feel over-sensitive to this dense and intense world. SuperNova Souls often feel like they don't fit into this world, like they don't feel at home here. This is because the BIG-ness of them, can't quite fit into this lower-dimensional realm and physical body. They are lonely for their bigger self, and for each other.

SuperNova Souls inevitably come to a point in their journey of rapid expansion and acute awakening, where the rest of their life stops making sense and begins to dismantle. The process can be quite disconcerting, isolating, and shocking, as the structures of our life that don't fit 'the star that we are', begin to fall apart. This is where Adrienne comes in. She has been through it and helped many others through to the other side. She is here for YOU.

Throughout time, SuperNova Souls have come together to do amazing things, and work on innovative and exciting projects. The 'seeds' of these projects have been planted in crucial times throughout history, by these special souls. These 'seeds' are ready to sprout!
Come find your Tribe...
Membership in the SuperNova Soul Tribe includes access to exclusive video content, and Q&A opportunities.

SuperNova Soul Tribe

supernova soo͞″pər-nō′və
n. a rare celestial phenomenon...

Are You A SuperNova Soul?

Adrienne's work speaks to a very specific set of Soul Groups.

If you are HERE, that's YOU!

SuperNova Soul Groups have been together since the beginning of time. They have come to Earth to work on large scale projects, over vast spans of time.

Many factors interfere with SuperNova Souls finding each other. Energies may try to keep these souls apart, but their destiny is to come together and get to work on what they have come here to do.

Because these souls came to work together, and yet haven't been able to find their group, SuperNova Souls often feel an intense sense of isolation.
SuperNova Soul

Find Your Tribe

SuperNova Souls have a unique set of gifts and skills, and corresponding setbacks, as their soul purpose is SO BIG. SuperNova Souls are incredibly sensitive and feel over-sensitive to this dense and intense world. SuperNova Souls often feel like they don't fit into this world, like they don't feel at home here.This is because the BIG-ness of them, can't quite fit into this lower dimensional realm and physical body. They are lonely for their bigger self, and for each other.

A SuperNova is a very, very bright exploding star. SuperNova Souls have a sense that they came to this Earth for a very specific reason. SuperNovas can feel alone because very few people, if any, in their life can understand or validate this deep soul purpose. SuperNova Souls feel an intense commitment to this Earth Evolution and hold a bigger vision of what is to come.

Find Your Tribe!

It's time for us to get back into our Star Clusters!

SuperNova Soul Tribe Membership

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The SuperNova Soul
Self-Care for the SuperNova Soul
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SuperNova Soul Tribe
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What People Are Saying

So glad to have found you and your work on my path. So much gratitude! I felt a great weight being lifted (from solar plexus up to throat). Been crying and crying. Thank you everybody for this experience!
Thank you so much Adrienne Elise That was truly amazing. I am SO glad you have shared with us and brought us all together in these major healing breakthrough
Sherri Hicks
So awesome to be here with you all. I felt the energies all day leading up to this and feel the energies will carry us well through the evening and wknd. Many blessings. Thanks again, Adrienne. Thank you all...
Tiffany Ann

Astrologer and Intuitive

Adrienne Elise is a modern-day mystic. She is an Intuitive Healer and Teacher, as well as a professional Astrologer. Adrienne has a popular YouTube channel that offers supportive updates for the awakening soul. Adrienne has dedicated her life to spiritual healing, which includes training as a Waldorf Teacher, a Classical Homeopath, as well as Professional Psychic Training. She is a life-long student of Astrology and enjoys on-going spiritual study in many areas.

Who Is Adrienne Elise?

Adrienne's work speaks to a very specific set of Souls, which she has termed 'SuperNova Souls'. These souls are very bright and activated, and are on the cutting edge of spiritual ascension. SuperNova Souls are here to lead the way for the rest of humanity. Adrienne's mission is to bring these SuperNova Souls together and support them in their spiritual journey.

Inevitably, there is a time in the awakening of the SuperNova Soul, that involves rapid activation, and a blooming into their power. This is the exploding SuperNova Soul! This is a beautiful, but often rather intense and dramatic experience. Adrienne is here to harmonize and support these SuperNova Souls at this amazing time on planet Earth.

SuperNova Souls have a unique set of gifts and skills, and corresponding setbacks, as their soul purpose is SO BIG. Adrienne's mission has become to help support these souls in their journey of awakening back to their True Self, to help them 'become the star they are'.

Many of these super bright, and super sensitive, SuperNova Souls find themselves hiding out in isolation, as they try to protect themselves from this dense and intense world. But hiding their light also keeps them from finding each other. Adrienne is passionate about helping to bring these souls together.

Adrienne Elise

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